
Precautions for fertilizing with water-soluble fertilizers containing large amounts of elements


With the development and progress of agriculture, there is an increasing use of flushing fertilization. The emergence and widespread use of flushing fertilization have brought convenience to agricultural production, and correct use can increase crop yield and quality. However, the manufacturer of water-soluble fertilizers with a large amount of elements reminds everyone that although flushing fertilization is good, it should not be abused.

Precautions for fertilization application:

1. Choose the right type of fertilization. The commonly used flushing fertilizers in nitrogen fertilizer include urea, ammonia water, ammonium sulfate, etc. Potassium fertilizer includes potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, and potassium nitrate can also be used. However, phosphorus fertilizer has poor mobility after dissolution and cannot penetrate into the root layer with water. Therefore, phosphorus fertilizer needs to be buried in layers in the soil to increase its utilization rate.

2. Single application of flushing fertilization should maintain an appropriate nutrient content, and excessive application should not be used to avoid waste. Moreover, excessive application may also cause pollution to water quality. It is generally advisable to apply flushing fertilization twice throughout the entire growth period. Generally, it is recommended to apply it once during the growth period of a large number of crops. In autumn vegetable cultivation, it is advisable to use it when the temperature drops and soil mineralization decreases, while vegetable crops are applied in large amounts during the growth period.

3. Some low-end water-soluble fertilizers are not easily soluble, so do not apply them in the conventional way. Instead, dissolve them in a small amount of water and add a large amount of water for secondary dilution before applying them. This can increase the solubility of water-soluble fertilizers and facilitate crop absorption.

4. The application of water-soluble fertilizer should not be arbitrarily increased solely to increase yield. It should be strictly applied according to the indicated amount per mu on its packaging, otherwise it will affect crop growth and result in twice the effort.

5. Water soluble fertilizers can be mixed with non alkaline pesticides, and can be mixed with pesticides through spraying, which saves time and effort while also supplementing nutrients to reduce diseases.

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